Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 1 - Day 1

I just got done grocery shopping and stocked my fridge with veggies and protein.  I also bought a ton of nectarines and some bananas, tomatoes and avocados.  I think food shopping is always my faorite part when embarking on a new adventure.

I ran for as long and as far as I could today to gauge my endurance.  I was actually quite pleased to find that I could just make 4.5 miles in about 50 minutes.  This is great considering I have not been to the gym in 2 weeks -- I took a break because of the auditions for my play and catching up on schoolwork from said auditions.  But I was going pretty regularly, 5 days a week on average, sometimes every day.  I'm saving strength training for tomorrow. It's going to be interesting.  The plan I'm following suggests 45-60 minutes of really good training in legs and core.

--Cinnamon raisin bagel with lite cream cheese
--Black tea with milk

--Pita and garlic hummus
--Huge mixed greens salad

--Smoked turkey on wheat with veggies
--Baby carrots

Tomorrow begins a much more broken down eating schedule.  As I said in my previous post, I'll be eating lightly and frequently throughout the day with a big dinner in the evening.  As far as a training schedule is concerned, I'm going to try to do it in the morning as opposed to the evening.  This means that I'll be waking up as early as 5am to run, shower and get to work by 8am.  Cool! :)

Okay, that's all I've got.  Nighty night!

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